Sie suchten nach: Transformations-Reagenzien

Choose from a range of reagents designed to quickly and efficiently aid in delivering genes into mammalian cells, transforming them to perform certain desirable functions for use in the laboratory. Effectively transfect DNA and siRNA into mammalian cells good levels of cell viability thanks to low toxicity in all reagents. Easily alter cells for immediate use or to freeze for later procedures, and use specialized reagents for the production of particular proteins.

Choose from a range of reagents designed to quickly and efficiently aid in delivering genes into mammalian cells, transforming them to perform certain desirable functions for use in the laboratory. Effectively transfect DNA and siRNA into mammalian cells good levels of cell viability thanks to low toxicity in all reagents. Easily alter cells for immediate use or to freeze for later procedures, and use specialized reagents for the production of particular proteins.

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Artikel-Nr: (ICNA112100200)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: The EZ-Yeast™ Transformation Kit is designed for high throughput transformation with efficiencies up to 10³ transformants per μg plasmid DNA. It is ideal for cases where a large number of transformations must be performed, but only a few transformants are needed. Perfect for a quick analysis of potentially positive two-hybrid colonies, it does not require fully competent cells prior to transformation.
VE: 1 * 200 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (731-0348)
Lieferant: BTX
Beschreibung: BTXpress Cytofusion® Medium C is an advanced electrofusion buffer designed especially for hybridoma production. The low conductivity buffer is specially formulated to minimise cell turbulence during cell alignment and heating during electrofusion, for robust cell fusion efficiency and high cell viability. BTXpress Cytofusion® Medium C is sterile filtered from the highest quality non animal, medical grade reagents.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (ICNA112200200)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Alkali-Cation™ Yeast Transformation Kit provides an efficient method for yeast transformation and has been successfully used to transform linear DNA into <i>Pichia pastoris</i> for protein expression studies.
VE: 1 * 250 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (J60028.AK)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: For transformation of competent cells.
VE: 1 * 250 mL

Lieferant: BTX
Beschreibung: BTXpress Cytoporation® Media T/T4 is an advanced electroporation buffer designed for use with the BTX AgilePulse MAX™ large volume electroporation system for <i>in vitro</i> delivery of DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, and siRNA. The low conductivity buffer is specially formulated to minimise heating of solution during large volume electroporation for maximum transfection efficiency and high cell viability. BTXpress Cytoporation® Media T and T4 are sterile filtered from the highest quality non animal, medical grade reagents. Buffer can be directly diluted in complete growth media for post electroporation cell culture.

Artikel-Nr: (700-4813)
Lieferant: BTX
Beschreibung: Flatpack chambers are primarily used for prokaryotic applications (bacterial or yeast transformations), however they are also often used for high efficiency stem cell transfection.
VE: 1 * 50 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GZ-1)
Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Fast Yeast Transformation™ is a rapid single step yeast transformation kit that takes less than 10 minutes to prepare competent yeast cells. The competent yeast cells can be used immediately or frozen for later use. This method is suitable for both circular and linear plasmid transformations.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: BTX
Beschreibung: Die BTXpress™ ist eine einzelne Pufferlösung, die entwickelt wurde, um Gene schnell und effizient in Säugerzellen einzubringen, die bisher durch chemische und andere nicht-virale Verfahren als 'schwer transfizierbar' betrachtet wurden. Die Transfektion mit dieser hochleistungsfähigen Elektroporationslösung ist beim Einbringen von DNA sowie siRNA in Säugerzellen gleichermaßen effizient.

Lieferant: MIRUS
Beschreibung: Ingenio® Electroporation solution is compatible with many conventional electroporation instruments, including Lonza Amaxa® Nucleofector®, Bio-Rad® Gene Pulser and Harvard-BTX® electroporators. It can be used for electroporation with both exponential decay as well as square wave forms.

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