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Sie suchten nach: 3-(2-Naphthyl)acrylic+acid

172  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

European standards f

European standards for protective gloves CE marking of protective gloves Protective gloves are personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE products are certified according to the European Directive 89/686/EC. This directive determines the fundamenta...

NovaClean™ Allzweckreinigungsmittel für Reinräume

NovaClean™ Allzweckreinigungsmittel für Reinräume Nichtionische Reinigungsmittel entfernen Partikel und Rückstände die in Reinräumen und kritischen Laboratorien üblich sind. Mit einem geringen Gehalt an Salzen und Metallen im ppb-Bereich sind dies...


Reinraum-Computerzubehör Da die Tastatur im Reinraum zu den Bereichen mit der höchsten Kontamination gehört und sehr schwer zu reinigen ist decken viele Benutzer sie mit einer Schutzfolie ab. Die speziell entwickelte Tastatur für den Einsatz in Re...

Auswahl von Labor-Kunststoffprodukten mit der richtigen Chemikalienverträglichkeit

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High Purity Acids

High Purity Acids The J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ lines of high purity acids will meet your needs - even for detection of trace metals at ultra-low ppt levels. Produktauswahl J.T.Baker® ULTREX II Ultrapure Acids Recommended for use in yo...

Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis

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Nucleic Acid Purification

Nucleic Acid Purification Featured Solutions Omega Bio-tek Inc. offers high quality convenient and cost-effective products for nucleic acid purification. Learn more cfDNA kits Additional Resources Sample Request Application Note- cfDNA 8ml samplea...

Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning

Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning The outcome of any downstream analysis highly depends on the quality of the initial steps of sample collection homogenisation and nucleic acid purification. Whether you are ...

Nucleic Acid Decontamination

Nucleic Acid Decontamination DNA-Exitus Plus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination from laboratory surfaces and equipment. Learn more Product information Additional Resources Video Application Note

BRLSPIMMUNOSURF 170518 Imm SurfaceMatters

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide • Passive binding of biomacromolecules • Covalent coupling of smaller biomolecules • Capture of affinity-tagged biomolecules The right surface for your assay 2 Well configuration Advanced immunoassay surfa...

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification J.T.Baker® high precision robotic tips and plates will help improve your analytical and diagnostic operations. J.T.Baker Robotic Tips J.T.Baker Plates Additional Resources Brochure Video Robotic Tips Sample Requ...

So können Sie Kunststoffflaschen sicher autoklavieren

So können Sie Kunststoffflaschen sicher autoklavieren Von DWK Life Sciences Viele gängige Laborprozesse erfordern sterile Behälter. Wenn Sie Kunststoffflaschen im Labor verwenden ist es wichtig mehrere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen bevor der Behälte...

NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation

NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation 28 pages of products taking you through the workflow required for nucleic acid purification. Including sample disruption and homogenisation - nucleic acid isolation - photometry - centrifugation and storage.

Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification

Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification Mag-BIND® chemistry for nucleic acid purification Automated liquid handlers and magnetic processors are becoming more widely used as the need for multiple sample processing increases. Omega Bio-tek...

General Description of an Application

General Description of an Application Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 1 of 8 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with specific titrant DCPIP Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 2 of 8 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic...

Trace Metal Analysis Reagents

Trace Metal Analysis Reagents J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ brand high purity solvents and reagents give you the performance you need - minimising the risk of contaminants that can limit accuracy while maximising instrument sensitivity and...
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