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Sie suchten nach: Kalium(1-methyl-4-trifluoroboratomethyl)piperazin

14  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

Anwendungen in der Bodenanalyse

Anwendungen in der Bodenanalyse Die Messung von organischen und anorganischen Abfall- und mikrobiologischen Schadstoffen in verschiedenen Bodenmatrizen kann aufgrund der großen Vielfalt der chemischen Zusammensetzungen eine Herausforderung darstel...

European standards f

European standards for protective gloves CE marking of protective gloves Protective gloves are personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE products are certified according to the European Directive 89/686/EC. This directive determines the fundamenta...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: Catalo...

PESTINORM® Headspace-Lösungsmittel

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Spotlight: Real-time microbial sequencing

Spotlight: Real-time microbial sequencing MinION™ devices from Oxford Nanopore enable rapid and comprehensive analysis of microbial samples — from real-time species identification and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiling to plasmid verificatio...

Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer

Get started with MinION - Oxford Nanopore's portable sequencer Webinar Thursday 28th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar James Brayer will...

Komplettes Sortiment an ICP-MS-Standards mit 10 mg/l

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Spotlight: Real-time microbial sequencing

Spotlight: Real-time microbial sequencing MinION™ devices from Oxford Nanopore enable rapid and comprehensive analysis of microbial samples — from real-time species identification and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiling to plasmid verificatio...

Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Oxford Nanopore Technologies To enable the analysis of anything by anyone anywhere. Oxford Nanopore makes a novel generation of DNA/RNA sequencing technology that provides rich data is fast accessible and easy to use. Our goal is to disrupt the wa...

Chemikalien für die Probenvorbereitung

Chemikalien für die Probenvorbereitung Die Vorbereitung der Probe ist ebenso wichtig wie ihre Analyse. Stellen Sie sicher dass Sie die richtigen Reagenzien verwenden um eine Kontamination Ihrer Probe zu vermeiden. Angebote Chemische Innovationen K...

Herstellung von Batteriekathoden und -anoden

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Chemical_CapabilityTable_v011.indd For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. PFLSPSTORAGECHEM 0716 Chemical Compatibility ...


cmm_catalog_title_150304.indd Complete Monograph Methods Solutions for regulated Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis Methods with HPLC FTIR KF AAS and ICP 2015 -1 Merck Millipore is a division of Content Molecular Structures 3 Applications Index ...

Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide

solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...