Sie suchten nach: Deep-Well-Mikroplatten

Deep well microplates are designed for specific use with absorbance, fluorescence, or luminescence testing methods for the most accurate results. Flat bottoms to give more surface area, round bottoms for mixing, or the best sample recovering conical bottom surfaces may come untreated or treated for specimen binding requirements. The deep well microplates are offered in various working volumes, sterility, and colouring for additional modifications. Common formats allow the devices to be compatible with efficient robotic processing.

Deep well microplates are designed for specific use with absorbance, fluorescence, or luminescence testing methods for the most accurate results. Flat bottoms to give more surface area, round bottoms for mixing, or the best sample recovering conical bottom surfaces may come untreated or treated for specimen binding requirements. The deep well microplates are offered in various working volumes, sterility, and colouring for additional modifications. Common formats allow the devices to be compatible with efficient robotic processing.

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Artikel-Nr: (732-4923)
Beschreibung: PP. 48 quadratische Wells zur Probenaufbewahrung.
VE: 1 * 50 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Ideal for sample collection, storage and combinatorial chemistry library applications.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ 96-well microdialysis plates are automation-compatible microplate dialysis devices suitable for rapidly processing 1 to 96 samples with volumes 10 to 100 µl.

Artikel-Nr: (738-0188)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PP. Zur Probenahme, für Zellkulturen und Langzeitlagerung.
VE: 1 * 25 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (SIMPT110-10)
Lieferant: Simport Scientific
Beschreibung: PP. This 2,2 ml well capacity (2,1 ml when capped) plate is used mainly for compound storage and enzyme assays.
VE: 1 * 24 ST

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS. Ideal zur Probennahme, Lagerung und für Substanzbibliotheken in der kombinatorischen Chemie.

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Axygen® deep well and assay plates are used for sample collection, <i>in vitro</i> growth chambers and long-term storage.

Environmentally Preferable

Beschreibung: Die Thermo Scientific™ Abgene™ Deep-Well-Platten aus Polypropylen ermöglichen eine sichere Aufbewahrung für Assays, Substanzbibliotheken oder die mittel- oder langfristige Probenlagerung.

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (MICS95096-710-D)
Lieferant: MICROSOLV
Beschreibung: 96 well plates with glass inserts.
VE: 1 * 250 ST

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Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PP. Flaches Design und shared Wall-Technologie sorgen für ein größeres Well-Volumen. Ideal zur Probennahme, Lagerung und für Substanzbibliotheken in der kombinatorischen Chemie.
Artikel-Nr: (736-0198)
Beschreibung: PP. The square well geometry of this 96-well plate makes it ideal for bacterial growth applications.
VE: 1 * 50 ST

Zertifikate Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Deep well and assay plates are used for sample collection, <i>in vitro</i> growth chambers and longterm storage. Made of PP, they offer excellent chemical resistance and will withstand temperatures down to –80 °C. Ultra-flat surface ensures proper sealing with heat sealing film. Clear V-shaped well bottom.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Das Plate Sampling System™ ist eine umfassende Produktlinie von 96-Well-Mikroplatten für die Chromatographie und verwendet Verschlüsse, die denjenigen vertraut sind, die mit Standard-Chromatographiefläschchen arbeiten.

Artikel-Nr: (734-1217)
Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: PP, with clear PS lid. The Whatman™ UNIPLATE collection and analysis microplates accomodate 24 well plates, have round bottom wells.
VE: 1 * 25 ST


Lieferant: Simport Scientific
Beschreibung: PP. Diese 384-Well-Platte ist ideal für die Lagerung von Verbindungen und die Handhabung biologischer Proben.

Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: These PP plates are compatible with standard robotic work stations, such as Zymark, Tecan, Hamilton, Rosys and Beckman. To side load a Beckman BioMek® system, use side-loader collars. 2 ml deep wells permit serial dilution protocols unlike with standard microtitre plates.

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