Sie suchten nach: Deep-Well-Mikroplatten

Deep well microplates are designed for specific use with absorbance, fluorescence, or luminescence testing methods for the most accurate results. Flat bottoms to give more surface area, round bottoms for mixing, or the best sample recovering conical bottom surfaces may come untreated or treated for specimen binding requirements. The deep well microplates are offered in various working volumes, sterility, and colouring for additional modifications. Common formats allow the devices to be compatible with efficient robotic processing.

Deep well microplates are designed for specific use with absorbance, fluorescence, or luminescence testing methods for the most accurate results. Flat bottoms to give more surface area, round bottoms for mixing, or the best sample recovering conical bottom surfaces may come untreated or treated for specimen binding requirements. The deep well microplates are offered in various working volumes, sterility, and colouring for additional modifications. Common formats allow the devices to be compatible with efficient robotic processing.

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Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: Eppendorf Protein LoBind-Platten sind für den Einsatz in der Proteomik oder anderen Bereichen der Proteinforschung konzipiert, in denen die Proteinkonzentration tendenziell sehr gering ist und die Probenrückgewinnung für die Testergebnisse von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: BIOTIX
Beschreibung: Medical grade virgin PP, non treated. These sturdy 384-deep well microplates conform to SBS standards for automated high throughput processing and compound storage.

Lieferant: Simport Scientific
Beschreibung: All BioBlock™ Deepwell Plates are ideal for high volume, high throughput applications. The high-performance plates are chemical-resistant and designed for automated robotic handling.

Artikel-Nr: (730-1091)
Lieferant: Simport Scientific
Beschreibung: PS. The 1,2 ml capacity round bottom deep well plate (1 ml when capped) can withstand centrifugation up to 3000×g. It is not DMSO resistant.
VE: 1 * 24 ST

Lieferant: Brand
Beschreibung: Aus PP oder PS, unsteril. Für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, z. B. Screening mit hohem Durchsatz, Zell- und Gewebekulturen, Serienverdünnung, Reagenztransfer und Probenaufbewahrung bis zu −80 °C (PP) oder −20 °C (PS). Deep-Well-Platten werden im standardmäßigen ANSI/SLAS 1 und 4 -Format hergestellt und können für eine einfache Lagerung gestapelt werden.

Artikel-Nr: (SIMPT110-5)
Lieferant: Simport Scientific
Beschreibung: PP. The 1,2 ml capacity round bottom deep well plate (1 ml when capped) is easy to empty completely and ideal for culturing bacterial cells. It can withstand centrifugation up to 6000 ×g and is DMSO resistant.
VE: 1 * 24 ST

Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: DNA LoBind Plates maximise sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample-to-surface binding. These plates are the ideal solution for sample preparation and long-term storage.
Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: Eppendorf Deepwell plates 96-well, 1000 µl offer efficient sample handling with features like OptiTrack® matrix for rapid identification and g-Safe® technology for stability during centrifugation. SafeCode variants provide secure three-level coding, including error correction for reliable identification, ensuring flexibility and accuracy in experimental workflows.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: Eppendorf Deepwell-Platten 384-Well, 200 µl bieten effiziente Probenhandhabung mit Funktionen wie OptiTrack® Matrix für schnelle Identifizierung und g-Safe®-Technologie für Stabilität während der Zentrifugation. SafeCode-Varianten bieten eine sichere dreistufige Codierung, einschließlich Fehlerkorrektur für zuverlässige Identifizierung, und gewährleisten so Flexibilität und Genauigkeit in experimentellen Arbeitsabläufen.

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (GREI662000-06_28)
Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: Plates are made from virgin polystyrene resin and molded without the bottom of the plate. They feature chimney-well design to help prevent cross-contamination.
VE: 1 * 28 ST

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: BIOTIX
Beschreibung: Medical grade virgin PP, non treated. These sturdy 96-deep well microplates conform to SBS standards for automated high throughput processing and compound storage.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Optimieren Sie die Leistung mit Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™-Kunststoffen mit Barcode, die speziell für die Verwendung mit den Instrumenten KingFisher Flex, Duo Prime, Presto und Apex entwickelt wurden.

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PP, without lid. Ideal for compound libraries and sample storage.

Lieferant: EPPENDORF
Beschreibung: Eppendorf Deepwell plates 96-well, 500 µl offer efficient sample handling with features like OptiTrack® matrix for rapid identification and g-Safe® technology for stability during centrifugation. SafeCode variants provide secure three-level coding, including error correction for reliable identification, ensuring flexibility and accuracy in experimental workflows.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PP. The 0,5 ml, 1 ml and 2 ml MASTERBLOCK® microplates are ideal for storing samples or for cultivating bacteria or yeasts.

Environmentally Preferable

Artikel-Nr: (732-2479)
Lieferant: BIOTIX
Beschreibung: Medical grade, virgin PP, untreated. With a smooth, round-well geometry, these deep well microplates maximise sample volume while eliminating the 'wicking' effect common with square-well microplates.
VE: 1 * 5 ST

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