Sie suchten nach: Fertigmedien für die Mikrobiologie

Prepared microbiology media support accurate microorganism detection, identification, and cultivation. Saving time by eliminating the requirement to complete the groundwork, the media increase the overall working efficiency for any laboratory. Minimizing the possibility of formula variability, the standardized solutions ensure that data errors do not occur. The prepared microbiology media are plated or contained in tubes to guarantee that the correct nutrient mixtures are present for specific cell types.

Prepared microbiology media support accurate microorganism detection, identification, and cultivation. Saving time by eliminating the requirement to complete the groundwork, the media increase the overall working efficiency for any laboratory. Minimizing the possibility of formula variability, the standardized solutions ensure that data errors do not occur. The prepared microbiology media are plated or contained in tubes to guarantee that the correct nutrient mixtures are present for specific cell types.

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Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Readycult® Coliform und Readycult® Enterococci vereinfachen den Nachweis von Coliformen, <i>E. coli</i> oder fäkalen Streptokokken im Wasser. Sie benötigen lediglich einen sterilen Behälter und eine UV-Lampe (Kat.-Nr. 1.13203.0001).
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: 90-mm-Petrischalen zur aktiven und passiven Luftüberwachung der Umgebung in pharmazeutischen Industrien.
Artikel-Nr: (J833-1L)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Für die Kultivierung von <i>E.coli</i>. Häufig genutzt für die Gewinnung von Plasmid DNA und rekombinanten Proteinen.
VE: 1 * 1 L

Artikel-Nr: (DOEH840360782)
Beschreibung: Agar for isolation yeast and moulds.
VE: 1 * 9 ST

Artikel-Nr: (DOEH904675244)
Beschreibung: Siebel-Instituts agar medium for the selective detection and quantitative determination of Saccharomyces wild yeast populations in samples from the brewing process.
VE: 1 * 1 ST


Artikel-Nr: (710-1968)
Beschreibung: The Brewers QCheck® Kit contains ready-to-use culture media, allowing simple, fast and comprehensive microbiological control of all samples in the brewing process. The kit is particularly suitable for micro- and craft breweries who wish to establish microbiological quality control in their processes. All microbiological findings can be easily and reliably seen through a colour change, even without any previous knowledge. Only minimal laboratory equipment is required. The Brewers QCheck® Kit thus allows the entire beer brewing process to be microbiologically controlled, providing the perfect introduction to microbiological quality control.
VE: 1 * 1 ST


Lieferant: 3M Food Safety
Beschreibung: 3M™ Petrifilm™ Rapid coliform count plates are designed to provide fast, accurate results in detecting coliform contamination.

Artikel-Nr: (710-0773)
Lieferant: 3M Food Safety
Beschreibung: 3M™ Petrifilm™ Coliform count plates are sample-ready to identify coliform levels in - raw materials -in-process/finished food products - plant environment/equipment.
VE: 1 * 1.000 ST

Artikel-Nr: (LIOF495270)
Beschreibung: Buffered NaCl Peptone Solution pH 7.0 is used for dissolving, suspending and diluting test samples.
VE: 1 * 6 ST

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Artikel-Nr: (DOEH850872872)
Beschreibung: Powder for the production of vegan AVM® broth to determine the microbiological load as part of a filling line validation under standardised conditions. AVM® is the Döhler trademark for Linden Grain Medium.
VE: 1 * 20 kg

Artikel-Nr: (OXOIPO5173A)
Beschreibung: A medium for determining the count of so-called infective microorganisms in butter and other dairy products.
VE: 1 * 10 ST

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Lieferant: 3M Food Safety
Beschreibung: 3M™ Petrifilm™ Enterobacteriaceae count plates provide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products and manufacturing environmental samples and bottled water testing.
Beschreibung: Selektive Medien zum Nachweis von Guajakol-produzierenden Alicyclobazillen für die Beurteilung des Risikopotenzials zur Fehlaromenbildung. Für den quantitativen und qualitativen Nachweis sowie zur Identifizierung von Alicyclobazillen und Guajakol-produzierenden Alicyclobazillen, die Fehlaromen verursachen.
Die Komplettlösung aus gebrauchsfertigem BAT Kulturmedien und enzymatischem Guajakol Nachweis-Kit erlaubt einen schnellen und sicheren Nachweis von Guajakol-produzierenden Alicyclobazillen. Der einfache Nachweis ist konform mit der IFU (Internationale Fruchtsaftunion) Methode Nr. 12 'Method on Detection of taint producing Alicyclobacillus in Fruit Juices'. BAT Nährmedien und das Guajakol Nachweis-Kit eignen sich für safthaltige Getränke mit einem pH-Wert von unter 4,5, wie:
• heiße und kalt gefüllte Fruchtsäfte
• Fruchtsaftkonzentrate
• Grundstoffe
• Zucker
Beschreibung: Liofilchem® ist in über 60 Ländern vertreten und seine Vertreter und Händler vertreiben die Produkte weltweit.
Beschreibung: Simple and safe for an unskilled operator to use, these dip slides are coated on both sides with a solid culture medium with the opportunity for different media to be carried on each side, making the process time- and cost-effective. This sterile dip slide can be inoculated in the ward or doctor’s surgery and then returned to its plastic container for easy transport back to the laboratory.

Artikel-Nr: (LIOF10522)
Beschreibung: X-glucuronide, contained in the TBX agar formulation, is the chromogenic agent that allows the determination of the β-Dglucuronidase activity, which is a highly specific enzyme for <i>E. coli.</i> Gram-positive bacteria are inhibited by bile salts.
VE: 1 * 20 ST

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