Sie suchten nach: Tragbare Homogenisatoren

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

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Beschreibung: Leitfähigkeitsstandards mit einer Stabilität von ±1% – garantiert über eine Lebensdauer von bis zu drei Jahren.
Artikel-Nr: HAMI238927_U
VE: 1 * 300 mL

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Beschreibung: 41406887
Artikel-Nr: METN58078002
VE: 1 * 500 mL
Lieferant: Mettler - Toledo

Beschreibung: Standard solutions are used for calibrating conductivity cells.
Artikel-Nr: JENW16156-81
VE: 1 * 500 mL
Lieferant: Cole-Parmer

Beschreibung: Leitfähigkeitsstandard 10.000 µS/cm (25°C; 0,0765 mol/l; KCl), Referenztemperatur: 25 °C
Artikel-Nr: YSIA060911
VE: 1 * 473 mL

Beschreibung: Perform virtually any electrochemistry analysis with these conductivity standards and solutions. All conductivity standards are traceable to NIST™ standard reference materials.
Artikel-Nr: ORIO11008
VE: 1 * 5 ST
Lieferant: Thermo Orion


Beschreibung: 41406887
Artikel-Nr: ACSD5P53S.L5
VE: 1 * 500 mL

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Beschreibung: Breites Angebot an Standardlösungen für maximale Genauigkeit von Leitfähigkeitsmessgerät und -sensor.
Artikel-Nr: 663-5003
VE: 1 * 25 ST
Lieferant: Hanna

Beschreibung: A complete range of certified control standards with values ranging from 1,3 to 500 000 µS/cm to meet all the requirements for electrochemical analysis.
Artikel-Nr: KRAF18693.2000
VE: 1 * 0,5 L
Lieferant: Bernd Kraft

Beschreibung: 41406887
Artikel-Nr: YSIA060660
VE: 1 * 8 ST

Beschreibung: Leitfähigkeitsstandard 1.000 µS/cm (25°C; 0,007 mol/l; KCl), Referenztemperatur: 25 °C
Artikel-Nr: YSIA060907
VE: 1 * 475 mL

Beschreibung: A slight change in temperature usually has a big impact on the conductivity value of a standard solution. A table on every bottle label indicates the conductivity values at the most common measurement temperatures.
During calibration the meter automatically references to this table for temperature compensation. If possible, calibration and measurements should be performed at the same temperature
Artikel-Nr: METT51350094
VE: 1 * 250 mL
Lieferant: Mettler - Toledo

Beschreibung: 41406887
Artikel-Nr: PROORTCCOND147-500
VE: 1 * 500 mL
Lieferant: LGC Standards PROMOCHEM

Beschreibung: Leitfähigkeitsstandard 1.000 µS/cm (25°C; 0,007 mol/l; KCl), Referenztemperatur: 25 °C
Artikel-Nr: YSIA065270
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: A complete range of certified control standards with values ranging from 74 to 24 800 µS/cm to meet all the requirements for electrochemical analysis.
Artikel-Nr: KRAF21587.3000
VE: 1 * 1 L
Lieferant: Bernd Kraft

Beschreibung: Precision solution referred to SRM of NIST.
Artikel-Nr: ENDRCLY11-A
VE: 1 * 500 mL
Lieferant: Endress+Hauser

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33 - 47 of 47