Sie suchten nach: Horizontale Gelelektrophoresesysteme

Divided into compartments with a platform in the middle, the horizontal electrophoresis systems completely submerge plated gel platforms in a buffer. In each compartment, electrodes produce the electric field to cause the molecules to travel through the casted gel for DNA and RNA fragment separation. For DNA sequencing, these negatively charged DNA molecules migrate through the gel pores from the negative end to the positive charged en of the gel. Capable of simultaneously running multiple samples, the equipment recirculates buffer efficiently to prevent ionic gradient formation. The high-throughput horizontal electrophoresis systems include color-coding combs and strips for easy loading.

Divided into compartments with a platform in the middle, the horizontal electrophoresis systems completely submerge plated gel platforms in a buffer. In each compartment, electrodes produce the electric field to cause the molecules to travel through the casted gel for DNA and RNA fragment separation. For DNA sequencing, these negatively charged DNA molecules migrate through the gel pores from the negative end to the positive charged en of the gel. Capable of simultaneously running multiple samples, the equipment recirculates buffer efficiently to prevent ionic gradient formation. The high-throughput horizontal electrophoresis systems include color-coding combs and strips for easy loading.

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Artikel-Nr: (HOEFHE33-8-1.5)
Beschreibung: Die HE33 Mini-Horizontale Mini-Unterwasser-Elektrophoreseeinheit ist für sehr schnelle Trennungen von DNA-Restriktionsfragmenten in Agarosegelen konzipiert.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GENOBT112)
Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: BT Lab systems horizontal gel electrophoresis set's abundant buffer not only guarantees cooling effects, but also keeps the pH value stable during operation.
VE: 1 * 1 SET

Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: Für eine Vielzahl von Agarose-Elektrophorese-Anwendungen das ultimative, einfache und bequeme Gießen von Agarosegelen.

Artikel-Nr: (HE99X-15-1.5)
Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: HE 99X Maxi submarine unit offers a variety of gel lengths and comb sizes so that the gel can be run exactly based on the need.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (EDVO505)
Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: Unser meistverkauftes M12 Complete™ ist jetzt noch besser. Das M12 Ultra™ umfasst das M12 Complete™-Elektrophoresepaket und den brandneuen TruBlu™ Jr. Blaulicht-Transilluminator. Dieses dynamische Duo ermöglicht die Echtzeitvisualisierung von SYBR® Safe oder anderen blaulichtreaktiven Farbstoff-Agarosegelen.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Lieferant: EMBITEC
Beschreibung: RunOne™ well visualisation plates are designed to make gel loading simple. The light colour of most gel units provides little or no contrast for the agarose gel and the gel wells. RunOne™ well visualisation plates are red, fit securely into the RunOne™ system, and provide a stable platform for gel running.

Lieferant: EMBITEC
Beschreibung: Electrophoresis system+ MultiCaster, Multiple horizontal gel electrophoresis, RunOne™, + MultiCaster, EP-2159, 117×119 mm, Türkis

Lieferant: EMBITEC
Beschreibung: The ultra compact RunOne™ electrophoresis system is able to run a whole variety of gel sizes from mini to long in less than 350 ml of buffer. The power supply with selectable 25, 50 or 100 V output slides directly into the running unit. The system can run eight to 108 samples in minutes, with the separate casting system allowing up to six gels to be cast and run at the same time.

Artikel-Nr: (732-1425)
Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: Sechs Laborgruppen können jeweils ein eigenes Gel beladen, und die Elektrophorese dieser sechs Gele kann dann gleichzeitig in 30 – 40 Minuten erfolgen. Kein Abkleben erforderlich, Gele können schnell und leicht mit den Gummi-Abschlussstücken zum Abdichten der Gel-Gießform gegossen werden.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (732-1421)
Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: Diese LabStation enthält alles, was Sie für die Anwendung eines Edvotek DNA- oder Farbstoff-Elektrophorese-Kits mit Studenten brauchen.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: Proben von einer oder zwei Laborgruppen können gleichzeitig laufen, produziert ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse in 30 bis 40 Minuten.

Artikel-Nr: (EDVO100)
Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: In this experiment kit, students will explore four unique experiments that utilise agarose gel electrophoresis to separate DNA samples. The DNA banding patterns will be analysed within scenarios that examine forensic, medical, and scientific investigations.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Ettan™ IPGphor™ 3 is a fully integrated isoelectric focusing (IEF) system optimised to deliver high throughput, speed, reproducibility, and high protein-loading capacity. Ettan™ IPGphor™ 3 is optimised for easy handling of CyDye™ labelled proteins and other light-sensitive samples, and provides temperature control critical for reproducibility in 2-D DIGE experiments.

Artikel-Nr: (ALPCEL1400-12-1.5)
Beschreibung: A large selection of combs are available for all of our Clarit-E electrophoresis gel tanks. Selecting the right comb or combination of combs enables you to tailor the system to your precise requirements.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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