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Artikel-Nr: (SHH0027-450ML)
Beschreibung: Useful for staining fresh, fixed, unembedded or plastic-embedded sections of bone. Villanueva osteochrome bone stain gives uniform and reproducible results. Useful in studying biopsy or postmortem tissue.
VE: 1 * 450 mL

Artikel-Nr: (380B-1KT)
Beschreibung: Intended for the histochemical demonstration of neutrophil granules in blood or bone marrow films.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

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Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Used to stain blood, bone marrow smears, and clinical cytological specimens
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Used to stain blood, bone marrow smears, and clinical cytological specimens
Artikel-Nr: (EM0200-1KT)
Beschreibung: Suitable for use with large and small mineralized (undecalcified) bone sections. Yields clear, hard blocks for cutting sections. Not water-soluble.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (3952016-500ML)
Beschreibung: Intended for use in Sigma Periodic Acid Staining Procedure, 395. Kit is intended for use with blood, bone marrow, tissue touch preparations or routine tissue sections.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: For staining of blood and bone marrow smears and clinical-cytological specimens
Artikel-Nr: (390A-1KT)
Beschreibung: Staining system for polymorphonucleocytes in blood or bone marrow films.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: The Giemsa’s Azure Eosin Methylene Blue solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections and clinical-cytological specimens.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Giemsa's staining is one of the standard procedures in histology, hematology, cytology and bacteriology. The Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue dye is a dry dye that is used for the preparation of a staining solution. This solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections, spirochaets and clinical-cytological specimens of human origin.
Artikel-Nr: (O8639-4X500ML)
Beschreibung: Zur Verwendung mit dem Osteo-Bed-Knocheneinbettungskit. Lösungsmittel entfernt Kunststoff von Abschnitten vor der Rehydrierung und Färbung. Die meisten histochemischen und immunhistochemischen Färbeprotokolle erfordern die Entfernung von Methylmethacrylat (MMA) und die Rehydrierung montierter Abschnitte, um die Farbpenetration zu verbessern und den Kontrast zu erhöhen.
VE: 1 * 2.000 mL

Beschreibung: Giemsa stain is a versatile differential stain that is widely used in hematology for blood and bone marrow specimens, clinical cytology specimens, bacteriology, histological biopsies, and tumor samples. Giemsa's staining solution is composed of methylene blue, azure, and eosin. It is a major histological stain due to its unique staining of chromatin, nuclear membranes, and cytoplasmic elements. The stain is frequently used in combination with other dye solutions: May-Grünwald’s solution for Pappenheim (MGG) and Wright-Giemsa.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Azure II (C.I. 52010/ 52015) is a dry dye for the preparation of a color staining solution used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears of human origin. The dye is a CE certified IVD product and has a constant dye content and a reliable high quality, which is one of the major precondition for a reproducible diagnostic staining.
Artikel-Nr: (91C-1KT)
Beschreibung: Kit used to detect neutrophils in peripheral blood, bone marrow or tissue sections which have been paraffin embedded.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (90C2-1KT)
Beschreibung: Kit used to detect neutrophils in peripheral blood, bone marrow or tissue sections which have been paraffin embedded.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (H0290-500ML)
Beschreibung: Hartman′s fixative, which is also known as Davidson′s Fixative, contains acetic acid, alcohol, and formalin. It is widely used for the preservation of eye, bone marrow, breast, testis, and other tissues for histologic examination
VE: 1 * 500 mL

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