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Artikel-Nr: (862-10ML)
Beschreibung: For use with Sigma kit 86R, for the demonstration of alkaline phosphatase in granulocytes. The procedure is often referred to as the LAP procedure.
VE: 1 * 10 mL

Artikel-Nr: (861-10ML)
Beschreibung: Kit component for Sigma Alkaline Phosphatase Procedure, kits 86C and 86R
VE: 1 * 10 mL

Artikel-Nr: (1.08419.1000)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: for the determination of alkaline earth metals in water 1 ml ≙ 56 mg CaO/l using 100 ml of water
VE: 1 * 1 L

Artikel-Nr: (72064-500ML)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Sodium hydroxide solution is a strong alkaline solution which may be suitable to make dyes, drugs, cellophane, rayon and bleaches.
VE: 1 * 500 mL


Beschreibung: Phenol Red is a phenolsulfonphthalein compound. It is present as a sulfonated hydroxyquinone in weakly acidic aqueous solutions. In alkaline solutions, the dye forms a hydrophilic dianion (a small, red anion and has a larger conjugated system than the yellow hydroxyquinone).

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: for the determination of alkaline earth metals in water 1 ml ≙ 10 mg CaO/l using 100 ml of water
Beschreibung: Substrate for the histochemical demonstration of acid and alkaline phosphatase. Substrate for the fluorometric assay of acid and alkaline phosphatases. Demonstration of acid phosphatase in paraffin embedded tissue. Cytofluorometric assay of acid phosphatase in single living cells.

Artikel-Nr: (87849.220)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Hydroxylamin-Lösung, alkalisch R1 (A+B) Reag. Ph. Eur. 1044303
VE: 1 * 200 mL

Artikel-Nr: (16398-250ML)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Lithiumchloridlösung wird für die Bestimmung von Erdalkalimetallspuren in Salzlaugen über die Ionenaustauschchromatographie mit Komplexbildner auf einer Kieselgel-Säule mit gebundener Iminodiessigsäure verwendet.
VE: 1 * 250 mL


Artikel-Nr: (J611-500ML)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: An ultra pure reagent for alkaline lysis of bacterial cells used in standard DNA purification procedures.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (DIVY101107114)
Lieferant: Diversey
Beschreibung: Profile is a medium hard water tolerant broad spectrum, heavy duty, low foam chlorinated alkaline detergent used in CIP and spray washing applications. Profile has excellent protein removal properties. Profile is used in the meat processing industry for mechanical soak cleaning and tray washing applications.
VE: 1 * 20 L

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Beschreibung: Phenolphthalein is an acid base indicator. It is a weak acid, which is colorless in acidic solution and turns puce pink in alkaline solution. Phenolphthalein is genotoxic. It might cause oxidative damage and binds to estrogen receptors. Phenolphthalein solution is a synthetic indicator. It is colorless in acidic and neutral conditions. Phenolphthalein gives pink color when added to a base, therefore it is considered as a base indicator.

Artikel-Nr: (USBIS5329-23D-AP)
Lieferant: US Biological
Beschreibung: Anti-Solute Carrier Family 23A2 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (AP (Alkaline Phosphatase))
VE: 1 * 200 µl

Artikel-Nr: (USBIS5329-03-AP)
Lieferant: US Biological
Beschreibung: Anti-Solute Carrier Family 3 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (AP (Alkaline Phosphatase))
VE: 1 * 200 µl

Artikel-Nr: (USBIS5329-11B-AP)
Lieferant: US Biological
Beschreibung: Anti-Solute Carrier Family 10 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (AP (Alkaline Phosphatase))
VE: 1 * 200 µl

Beschreibung: Wright′s Stain solution is commercially available and is generally used in hematology. Its preparation involves heating methylene blue with sodium bicarbonate and combining the mixture with eosin. It is alkaline, hence, its concentration is continuously changing due to the progressive oxidizing action of the alkali. Therefore, Giemsa′s stain is added to preserve the azurophilic properties of polychrome dyes.

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