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Artikel-Nr: (47123.)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Characterized sunflower seed oil samples are available for use as controls or check samples for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analyses.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Sonnenblumenkernöl

Lieferant: Spectrum Chemical
Beschreibung: Sunflower Seed Oil is, as its name suggests, the oil of sunflower seeds that is extracted by the compression of the seeds. This non-volatile oil is most commonly used in food and as a frying oil. It is also used in cosmetics as an emollient. It is also mixed with diesel to run diesel combustion engines.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Sonnenblumenkernöl, Sigma-Aldrich®

Artikel-Nr: (REST35022)
Lieferant: Restek
Beschreibung: This mixture can be used for quantification (AOCS Method CE 1a–13) and approximate the compositions of the types of oils like corn, poppy seed, cotton seed, soybean, walnut, safflower, sunflower, rice, bran, and sesame oil.
VE: 1 * 1 mL

Artikel-Nr: (38117-50MG)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Mepiquatchlorid ist ein synthetischer Pflanzenwachstumsregulator, der vom Laub absorbiert und in der gesamten Pflanze verteilt wird. Es wird häufig verwendet, um die Pflanzenstruktur zu manipulieren und hilft, übermäßiges vegetatives Wachstum zu bekämpfen, das, wenn es unkontrolliert bleibt, zu unerwünschtem Fruchtabwurf, Kapselfäule und Ertragseinbußen führen kann. Mepiquatchlorid hemmt die Gibberellinsäuresynthese und verringert so die Zellvergrößerung und Zellteilungsrate. Die Anwendung von Mepiquatchlorid bei Baumwolle führt zu einer kompakteren Pflanze, die durch verkürzte Internodienverlängerung, reduzierte Hauptstammknoten und verringerte Blattausdehnung und Blattfläche verursacht wird. Mepiquatchlorid ist gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 (Aufhebung der Richtlinie 91/414/EWG) für die Verwendung in der Europäischen Union (EU) zugelassen. Der maximale Rückstandsgehalt (MRL) für Mepiquat (Summe aus Mepiquat und seinen Salzen, ausgedrückt als Mepiquatchlorid) ist für viele pflanzliche Produkte auf 0,02 bis 4 mg/kg und für Leinsamen, Senf, Sonnenblumen- und Mohnsamen auf 40 mg/kg festgelegt. Für Produkte tierischen Ursprungs beträgt der Rückstandshöchstgehalt gemäß Verordnung (EU) 2021/976 0,05 bis 0,8 mg/kg. Mepiquat muss im mehrjährigen Kontrollprogramm für Pestizidrückstände (MACP) der EU und EFTA in/auf Produkten pflanzlichen Ursprungs überwacht werden.
VE: 1 * 50 mg

Artikel-Nr: (1642347.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 1 g

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Gebrauchsfertige Farblösungen, die auf Gewichtsbasis gravimetrisch vorbereitet und zur Einstufung der Farbe von ähnlich gefärbten flüssigen Stoffen wie Harzen, Lacken, Trocknungsölen, Fettsäuren, Lecithin, Sonnenblumen- und Leinöl konzipiert wurden.
Lieferant: Thermo Scientific
Beschreibung: Vitamin A acetat 1,5 MIU/g in Sonnenblumenöl stabilisiert
Artikel-Nr: (1270774.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 1 g

Artikel-Nr: (1087494.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 500 mg

Artikel-Nr: (1076057.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 1 g

Artikel-Nr: (1145477.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 2 g

Artikel-Nr: (1105280.)
Lieferant: USP
Beschreibung: USP Reference Standards are specified for use in conducting official USP–NF tests and assays. USP also provides Reference Standards specified in the Food Chemicals Codex as well as authentic substances—high-quality chemical samples—as a service to analytical, clinical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. To confirm accuracy and reproducibility, USP Reference Standards are rigorously tested and evaluated by multiple independent laboratories including USP, commercial, regulatory, and academic labs. USP also provide publicly available, official documentary standards for pharmaceutical ingredients in the USP–NF that link directly with our primary reference standards.
VE: 1 * 3 g

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Grained, with medium fast flow rate and medium retention. A universal filter paper, used for the filtration of extracts, oils, beer, syrups etc.; also applied in filter presses or for the aspiration of liquids.

Lieferant: Thermo Scientific
Beschreibung: Safflower oil
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