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Eliminating the time and supply purchasing requirements, the precast gels come ready-to-run for analytical chemistry and researching applications. Having a much longer shelf life than homemade versions, the semi-solid mediums lock into cell placement and load samples when needed. Using identically casted gels will simplify and improve the overall reproducibility of testing procedures. Choose from different number of wells, thicknesses, and sizes among the precast gels for compatibility with samples and equipment.

Eliminating the time and supply purchasing requirements, the precast gels come ready-to-run for analytical chemistry and researching applications. Having a much longer shelf life than homemade versions, the semi-solid mediums lock into cell placement and load samples when needed. Using identically casted gels will simplify and improve the overall reproducibility of testing procedures. Choose from different number of wells, thicknesses, and sizes among the precast gels for compatibility with samples and equipment.

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Lieferant: LONZA
Beschreibung: Reliant™ precast agarose minigels are designed for rapid and reproducible resolution of DNA fragments from 8 bp to 10 kb. Each precast agarose gel is ...

Lieferant: LONZA
Beschreibung: Latitude™ DNA gels are designed for accurate DNA fragment separation for almost any gel electrophoresis application. These ready-to-run gels are avail...

Lieferant: LONZA
Beschreibung: Precast gels for the analysis of antibodies and proteins up to 2000 kDa.

Beschreibung: Fertiggele, 6 Gele (12 %)
Lieferant: G-Biosciences
Beschreibung: This gel drying solution effectively and evenly dries protein electrophoresis gels by the mechanism of passive evaporation and is suitable for permane...

Lieferant: Genscript
Beschreibung: GenScript's Bis-Tris gels are high-performing polyacrylamide gels designed to separate a wide range of protein sizes by electrophoresis. The gels are ...

Lieferant: EMBITEC
Beschreibung: RunOne™ precast gels do not require a specific gel apparatus but are optimised for use with the RunOne™ Electrophoresis System. A choice of 100, 104 o...

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: Immobiline™ DryStrip gels (IPG strips) are used for isoelectric focusing (IEF), run as the first dimension of 2-D electrophoresis or as a separate app...

Artikel-Nr: (EMBIGG3642)
Lieferant: EMBITEC
Beschreibung: Lagerung 3 Monate bei Raumtemperatur. Kein UV-Licht erforderlich, um Gele mit GelGreen zu betrachten.
VE: 1 * 5 ST

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Beschreibung: CleanGel IEF is a dried polyacrylamide gel optimised for analytical isoelectric focusing (IEF). The gel is excellent for separating enzymes with prese...
VE: 1 * 5 ST

Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: ExcelGel precast gels for SDS-PAGE are available as homogeneous or gradient gels. The homogeneous gels have 25 preformed sample wells for sample volum...
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Beschreibung: Obtain reproducible IEF separations with dry, precast gels containing immobilized pH gradients.
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Beschreibung: For PGM analysis by isoelectric focusing.

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