Sie suchten nach: Mikroskopie- und Färbereagenzien

VWR offers a broad line of reagent droppers, diagnostic kits, and antigens and antisera, for aid in identifying a variety of microscopic organisms. The visualization of bacteria by means of staining procedures is an important tool for any microbiologist to have at their disposal, and these carefully standardized and reproducible stain reagents help to ensure accurate and easily interpretable results. Stains are also available to provide early detection of positive blood cultures by fluorescence procedures.

VWR offers a broad line of reagent droppers, diagnostic kits, and antigens and antisera, for aid in identifying a variety of microscopic organisms. The visualization of bacteria by means of staining procedures is an important tool for any microbiologist to have at their disposal, and these carefully standardized and reproducible stain reagents help to ensure accurate and easily interpretable results. Stains are also available to provide early detection of positive blood cultures by fluorescence procedures.

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Artikel-Nr: (AATB20004)
Beschreibung: FluoroQuest™ with DAPI is an aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears.
VE: 1 * 50 mL

Artikel-Nr: (AATB20009)
Beschreibung: The mounting medium is the solution in which the specimen is embedded, generally under a cover glass.
VE: 1 * 50 mL

Artikel-Nr: (PIER24614)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Das Pierce Silver Stain Rescue Reagent ermöglicht die Entfernung von unerwünschtem Hintergrund aus ungleichmäßig und übermäßig entwickelten silbergefärbten Polyacrylamid-Elektrophoresegelen.
VE: 1 * 40 mL

Artikel-Nr: (AATB20003)
Beschreibung: When exposed to excitation light, fluorescence intensity of dyes decreases due to their photooxidation or other photoreactions.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (AATB44890)
Beschreibung: FluoroQuest™ TSA/PSA Antifade mounting medium is the only mounting medium that is optimised for tyramide (TSA) and styramide (PSA)-based fluorescence imaging applications.
VE: 1 * 5 mL

Neuer Artikel bei VWR!

Artikel-Nr: (AATB20007)
Beschreibung: FluoroQuest™ Antifade mounting medium is a specialised and stable formula that effectively preserves fluorescence by preventing rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and dyes.
VE: 1 * 5 mL

Neuer Artikel bei VWR!

Artikel-Nr: (AATB20001)
Beschreibung: When exposed to excitation light, fluorescence intensity of dyes decreases due to their photooxidation or other photoreactions.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (10976-20ML)
Lieferant: Honeywell Chemicals
Beschreibung: UV-transparent, fluorescence-free immersion oil.
VE: 1 * 20 mL

Artikel-Nr: (HECH41025010)
Beschreibung: Mounting medium for histology/microscopy.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

Artikel-Nr: (MOTI1101001300011)
Lieferant: MOTIC
Beschreibung: 23347679
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: This compound reagent is designed for use as a bed liquid.
Artikel-Nr: (VWRKAM-0801)
Lieferant: KLINIPATH
Beschreibung: PERTEX® is the original rapid drying medium for mounting and preserving of slide specimens. PERTEX® is proven not to affect the form, structure or colour of the mounted speci­men, even after years of storage. A thin coating of PERTEX® is enough for the cover glass to adhere to a microscope slide.
VE: 1 * 1 L

Artikel-Nr: (VWRK641139)
Lieferant: KLINIPATH
Beschreibung: Davidson-Fixiermittel, gelegentlich auch Hartmann-Fixiermittel genannt, ist ein schnell wirkendes Fixativ, das eine gute Darstellung der Zellkerndetails mit minimalem Formalinpigment liefert. Präparate können so geschnitten und gefärbt werden, als wären sie in gewöhnlichem Formalin fixiert.
VE: 1 * 5 L

Beschreibung: Imsol Mount is an aqueous mounting medium: Especially for immunohistochemistry slides stained with an alk. phos. method and other non solvent resistant chromogens.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: A support matrix or form of embedding medium for frozen sectioning. This medium freezes quickly supporting the tissue for sectioning at 3 μ and up with no cracking of the matrix at temperatures from –8 to –25 °C.

Lieferant: ZEISS
Beschreibung: Immersionsöl 518 F Öler 20 ml nach ISO 8036-1/2.
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