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VWR bietet Transfektionsreagenzien für zahlreiche Anwendungen, darunter Bioprozesstechnik, in vivo-Studien, Virenproduktion, DNA- und siRNA-Transfektion sowie CRISPR/Cas 9. Bei der Wahl eines geeigneten Transfektionsreagenzes ist es wichtig, den Zelltyp und die Zellkulturbedingungen zu berücksichtigen. Spezielle Transfektionsreagenzien sind auf seltene Zellkulturen ausgerichtet. Primär- oder Nervenzellen sind aufgrund ihrer Membraneigenschaften schwieriger zu transfizieren. VWR bietet zudem Produkte für die Elektroporation und Verbrauchsmaterialien, die zur Durchführung der Transfektion benötigt werden.

VWR bietet Transfektionsreagenzien für zahlreiche Anwendungen, darunter Bioprozesstechnik, in vivo-Studien, Virenproduktion, DNA- und siRNA-Transfektion sowie CRISPR/Cas 9. Bei der Wahl eines geeigneten Transfektionsreagenzes ist es wichtig, den Zelltyp und die Zellkulturbedingungen zu berücksichtigen. Spezielle Transfektionsreagenzien sind auf seltene Zellkulturen ausgerichtet. Primär- oder Nervenzellen sind aufgrund ihrer Membraneigenschaften schwieriger zu transfizieren. VWR bietet zudem Produkte für die Elektroporation und Verbrauchsmaterialien, die zur Durchführung der Transfektion benötigt werden.

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Beschreibung: Transfectamine™ 5000 Transfection Reagent is a powerful and versatile transfection reagent for the introduction of nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells, or more specifically, into animal cells.

Beschreibung: Viro-MICST™ transduction reagent allows genetically modifying cells directly on magnetic cell purification columns. Based on i-MICST™ Technology (Integrated Magnetic Immuno-Cell Sorting and Transfection/Transduction), this technology combines cell isolation and genetic modification in one simple and reliable integrated system. For efficient and selective gene delivery to target cells, Viro-MICST™ can be used in combination with any viral vector and allows you to reduce cell manipulation steps and save time and material.

Beschreibung: ViroMag™ R/L transduction reagent is a magnetic nanoparticles formulation optimised for rRetroviruses and lentiviruses. Based on Magnetofection™ technology, this reagent allows concentrating the complete applied dose of retro/lentiviral particles onto cells within minutes, inducing a significant improvement of virus infectivity with extremely low vector doses.

Beschreibung: HYPE-CHO™ transfection kit has been designed for large scale up transient transfection and high protein expression, such as antibodies. The system is optimised for maximum efficiency in all CHO-S cells.

Beschreibung: HeLaFect™ transfection reagent is specifically developed for HeLa cell lineage transfection with high efficiency. It is a lipid-based reagent based on Tee-Technology (Triggered Endosomal Escape). The cationic design of the reagent allows high nucleic acid compaction for efficient transport into HeLa cells. This reagent is composed of lipids, leading to high viability, and is ready to use.

Beschreibung: Transfectamine™ 7000 siRNA Transfection reagent provides a reliable and effective solution for siRNA-mediated gene knockdown experiments, efficiently delivering small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) into diverse cell types.

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Beschreibung: CombiMag™ transfection reagent is based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles for improving transfection reagent efficiency. It has been designed to be employed in association with any commercial transfection reagent and can be used with all types of nucleic acids. It has been successfully tested on a broad range of primary cells, hard to transfect cells and cell lines.

Beschreibung: Magnetofectamine™ O2 is a powerful transfection kit designed for primary and hard-to-transfect cells. The alliance of MTX transfection reagent and CombiMag leads to increased transfection efficiency, minimised toxicity and enhanced gene expression. CombiMag, a magnetic formulation based on the Magnetofection™ technology, binds to MTX transfection reagent/DNA complexes and under the application of a magnetic field concentrates the genetic material onto cells and promotes cellular uptake. In this way, transfection efficiency is enhanced.

Beschreibung: DreamFect™ transfection reagent is based on an innovative biochemical method. It contains both a lipidic part and a cationic part allowing the association of nucleic acids with this transfection reagent and their delivery inside cells. Due to its unique properties, it releases large amounts of DNA in the cytosol increasing DNA nuclear delivery (Tee-technology). Consequently, it is highly efficient at low doses of nucleic acids and less cationic lipids are used so potential secondary effects are avoided.

Beschreibung: 3D-Fect™ transfection reagent is specifically designed to directly transfect cells cultured in 3D scaffolds.

Beschreibung: FlyFectIN™ transfection reagent is a powerful reagent based on Tee-technology and specifically designed to obtain highly efficient and reproducible transfection of insect cells. It is adapted to the delivery of all types of nucleic acids. It can be used for many applications including the production of recombinant protein using Baculovirus expression system.

Beschreibung: Lullaby™ is an ideal siRNA transfection reagent for gene silencing. Based on the TEE-technology, it has been successfully tested on numerous cell lines, reaching up to 90% gene silencing with high reproducibility and very low toxicity. RNA interference is a powerful technique to shut down genes expression in cells and organisms. This silencing effect constitutes a very helpful tool to study gene function and a promising approach for new therapeutic treatments.

Beschreibung: <i>In vivo</i> PolyMag™ transfection reagent has been designed for<i> in vivo</i> targeted transfection of various types of nucleic acids, such as DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, using magnetic nanoparticles coated with specific polymers. DNA complexes can be easily administrated through various injection routes, such as systemic administration (intravenous, intra-artery) or local administration (intratumoral, intracerebroventricular).

Beschreibung: <i>In vivo</i> ViroMag™ transfection reagent has been designed for <i>in vivo</i> targeted transduction with any viral vector. Virus/nanoparticle complexes can be easily administrated through various injection routes such as systemic administration (intravenous, intra-artery) or local administration (intratumoral, intracerebroventricular).

Beschreibung: Pro-DeliverIN™ transfection reagent is an innovative reagent allowing intracellular delivery of biologically active proteins. This lipid-based formulation is serum compatible to deliver biologically functional proteins into living cells.

Beschreibung: Pro-DeliverIN CRISPR is a transfection reagent optimised for recombinant Cas9 protein delivery or Cas9/gRNA RNP complexes. Suitable for gene editing applications, this reagent provides high transfection efficiency with minimal toxicity.

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