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Ideal for simple procedures, the extraction cabinets contain working materials to protect test and handler from harmful particles released. Designed using aerodynamic concepts, ambient air is drawn in from the environment to flow to baffle and is then filtered into cabinet. The compact benchtop or full working station models feature removable parts for easy cleaning in between uses. Available in various sizes to fit any work space, extraction cabinets meet exposure regulations common in laboratories.

Ideal for simple procedures, the extraction cabinets contain working materials to protect test and handler from harmful particles released. Designed using aerodynamic concepts, ambient air is drawn in from the environment to flow to baffle and is then filtered into cabinet. The compact benchtop or full working station models feature removable parts for easy cleaning in between uses. Available in various sizes to fit any work space, extraction cabinets meet exposure regulations common in laboratories.

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Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: Bei der Manipulation von Nanopartikeln und der Handhabung von Trockenpulverchemikalien halten Gehäuse gefährliche Pulver und Partikel zurück. Raumluft wird von vorne in das Gehäuse gesaugt, strömt zur Schallwand und passiert schließlich einen ULPA-Abluftfilter (99,999% wirksam bei Partikeln mit einer Größe von 0,12 μm), bevor sie in das Labor oder den Reinraum zurückkehrt.

Artikel-Nr: (LBCP3961622)
Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: XPert™ Bulk Powder Filtered System is designed to provide user protection from hazardous airborne particulates and fumes generated during powder transfer operations. Patented features include an ergonomic air foil with Clean-Sweep openings to enhance airflow and a zone-perforated rear baffle that creates horizontal laminar airflow to maximize containment. The system includes a built-in blower, 99,99% efficient HEPA filter, true bag-in/bag-out filter disposal system, and pre-wired fluorescent light and switches for blower and light.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Anodized aluminium frame with panels made of polycarbonate.

Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: These portable systems provide user protection by keeping powders and particulates contained during weighing procedures. The built-in blower and HEPA filter are mounted in the upper plenum to save space, and the enclosures have low installation costs and require no outside ducting. Systems also provide quiet operation as low as 45 dBA, depending on face velocity.

Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: XPert™ balance enclosures provide user protection by keeping powders, particulates and fume contained during weighing procedures. They are well suited for pharmaceutical research and other laboratory applications involving weighing of toxic substances. These vented balance safety enclosures may be ducted to the outside or connected to the FilterMate Portable Exhauster to be exhausted back into the laboratory through HEPA filters, carbon filters, or a combination of both HEPA and carbon filters.

Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: XPert™ balance enclosures provide user protection by keeping powders, particulates and fume contained during weighing procedures. They are well suited for pharmaceutical research and other laboratory applications involving weighing of toxic substances. These vented balance safety enclosures may be ducted to the outside or connected to the FilterMate Portable Exhauster to be exhausted back into the laboratory through HEPA filters.

Lieferant: CleanAir by Baker
Beschreibung: Diese Pulverabzüge werden überall dort eingesetzt, wo gesundheitsschädliche Pulver oder Stäube freigesetzt werden, z. B. beim Einwiegen. Die Abzüge garantieren höchsten Anwender- und Umgebungsschutz. Das Gehäuse besteht aus wasserfestem Sperrholz, rundum überzogen mit einer weißen Kunststoff-Folie und einer Haube aus gehärtetem Glas.

Lieferant: LABCONCO
Beschreibung: XPert™ filtered balance stations are vented balance enclosures designed to protect the user during powder weighing operations. The built-in HEPA filter, mounted in the upper plenum, removes particulates, so that clean air is exhausted to the atmosphere. XPert® filtered balance station is 'stationary' because ducting to an outside blower or house exhaust system is required. Powder weighing applications found in pharmaceutical research and other industries are ideal for these enclosures. Interior dimensions accommodate large micro and analytical balances and containment-enhancing features ensure personnel safety.

Beschreibung: Die Sicherheitswägekabine AKKURAT bietet Präzision und Sicherheit in der Forschung. In modernen Forschungslaboratorien werden immer effektivere Medikamente entwickelt. Dadurch entstehen hohe Anforderungen an den Gesundheitsschutz der Labormitarbeiter beim Umgang mit hochaktiven Substanzen, da beim Abwiegen diese Substanze offen verarbeitet werden müssen.

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