Sie suchten nach: GILSON LCMS

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Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Rack, code 343, holds 80 13×100 mm tubes

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Rack, code 29, holds quantity of 60, 12/13×75 mm tubes ( 5/6 ml)

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Rack, code 15, holds 1×96-well microplate, for use with fraction collectors, Für: Fraction collectors

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: SPE manifold, 96 positions, premium kit, Für: ASPEC® positive pressure manifold

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: PLC 2050/2250/2500 purification systems are designed for preparative liquid chromatography (PLC) to aspirate mobile phase solvents, form gradients, in...

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Ideal solutions for small to large capacity collection. Gilson offers advanced solutions for fraction collection with a complete line of stand‑alone a...

Artikel-Nr: (GILI37012000)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: The ASPEC® Positive pressure manifold uses positive pressure to improve reproducibility and recovery for solid phase extraction (SPE) applications.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GILI38114001)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Ideal for enabling chemical reaction monitoring, and supporting systems for environmental, food and beverage, and petroleum applications and for gel p...
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: 10 ml stainless steel pump head, including the accessory kit package, Für: VERITY® 3011

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Gilson’s reusable, silica-free centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) columns offer high injection capacities of milligram to multi-kilograms resu...

Artikel-Nr: (GILI26150006)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: This compact ASPEC® system combines positive pressure solid phase extraction (SPE) with small footprint and precise liquid handling for reliable autom...
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GILI21063024)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: TRILUTION® LH provides a solution for customers using Windows 10 and is a comprehensive software package for seamless automation of all liquid handlin...
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: Four probe rinse station or reservoir

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Artikel-Nr: (GILI2614010)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: This ASPEC® system for positive pressure solid phase extraction (SPE) automation maximises throughput by processing up to four samples in parallel. Wi...
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GILI21041007)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: SAMPLE LOOP 1 ML CPC 1/8 1 * 1 ST
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (GILI21041011)
Lieferant: GILSON LCMS
Beschreibung: SAMPLE LOOP 20 ML CPC 1/8 1 * 1 ST
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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